Did Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster use this Alex Raymond Flash Gordon figure for Inspiration for cover of Superman no.1??
While looking at the cover of Superman no.1(circa. 1939) tonight, I thought to myself that I had seen this image somewhere before. After some thought I decided it recalled the early work of Alex Raymond. I then decided to look through the old Alex Raymond Flash Gordon Sunday Comic Strips and on viewing Sunday 4-22-1934, panel no.10, I came across a rather startling discovery. I noticed that if I flopped the image of Flash and then tilted it to the left it started to look a lot like Superman's pose on the cover of Superman no.1.
I believe this probably to be the reference source that Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster used to inspire their cover drawing. I believe I am the first to notice this as I don't recall ever seeing any mention of this on the internet. Can this be true?? What do fellow viewers think?